Oakley SI Flak Jacket Polished White w/Black Iridium 19150
  • Oakley SI Flak Jacket Polished White w/Black Iridium 19150

Oakley SI Flak Jacket Polished White w/Black Iridium 19150

GST applicable (for delivery within Singapore only) 5 working days


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World-class athletes have driven us to create innovation after innovation, and Flak Jacket takes that to the next level with the latest in performance technology. The frame offers O Matter™ and Unobtanium® components for a comfortably secure fit and pure Plutonite® lenses to filter out 100% of all UV rays

Features :

Unobtanium® earsocks and nosepads keep glasses in place, increasing grip despite perspiration

Uncompromised Impact Protection to protect you against high-velocity and high-mass impact

O-Matter™ stress-resistant frame material is both lightweight and durable for all-day comfort and protection
