Oakley SI Sliver F Matte Grey Ink w/Black Iridium 15400
  • Oakley SI Sliver F Matte Grey Ink w/Black Iridium 15400

Oakley SI Sliver F Matte Grey Ink w/Black Iridium 15400

GST applicable (for delivery within Singapore only) 5 working days


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A timeless sleek design made even more lightweight with sculptural reliefs on the earstems, Sliver takes advantage of our durable yet gravity-defying O Matter frame material while letting innovative technologies like XYZ Optics throw their weight around.

Its rectangular lenses maintain clarity at every angle of vision while filtering 100% of all UV and lens options include premium Oakley polarization and Iridium coatings that balance light transmission. Accented with metal icons, the casual look is honed with fine craftsmanship and engineered with our signature Three-Point Fit to hold the pure Plutonite lenses in precise optical alignment.
