BREAKTHROUGH Nylon Chamber Brush - AR-15 / .223 Cal / 5.56 mm, 0440
  • BREAKTHROUGH Nylon Chamber Brush - AR-15 / .223 Cal / 5.56 mm, 0440

BREAKTHROUGH Nylon Chamber Brush - AR-15 / .223 Cal / 5.56 mm, 0440

GST applicable (for delivery within Singapore only) 5 working days
  • Fits AR15 .223 / 5.56 chambers perfectly for precision cleaning
  • Stiff nylon bristles easily attack heavy fouling
  • Nylon bristles will not flatten or damage the bore
  • Rugged brass core
  • #8/32 thread for attachment to Breakthrough Clean stainless steel rods


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Delivery policy: A shipping charge will be shown at time of check out. We usually ship within 5 working days, starting from time of order (with payment) to the time when the product leaves our door.

  Tax & Duties: For orders to outside of Singapore,

you will be liable to your country's import taxes & duties, if any.