BREAKTHROUGH Battle Born Grease, 3g Sachet, 0118
  • BREAKTHROUGH Battle Born Grease, 3g Sachet, 0118

BREAKTHROUGH Battle Born Grease, 3g Sachet, 0118

GST applicable (for delivery within Singapore only) 5 working days

Battle Born Grease is designed to be the highest quality, most advanced, lubrication available on the market. Our firearm grease is formulated with pure synthetic oils, shear stability additives and Sub-Micron size PTFE to protect against wear and corrosion from friction and moisture while withstanding a broad range of temperatures. (Operating Range -75° to +510°F).

  • Odorless
  • Non-toxic
  • 100% Synthetic
  • Great for use on firearms, knives, fishing reels, and bows
  • Wide temperature range
  • Non-melting
  • Non-flammable
  • Water and steam resistant
  • Reduces friction and wear
  • Non-staining


Anti-Fraud Policy: PayPal handles our payment transaction, and is an accepted payment portal. Using Paypal, we do not have access to your credit card information, and therefore have no ability to store your credit card information.


Delivery policy: A shipping charge will be shown at time of check out. We usually ship within 5 working days, starting from time of order (with payment) to the time when the product leaves our door.

  Tax & Duties: For orders to outside of Singapore,

you will be liable to your country's import taxes & duties, if any.

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