ESS Influx Black w/ Clear & Smoke Gray, 16530
  • ESS Influx Black w/ Clear & Smoke Gray, 16530

ESS Influx Black w/ Clear & Smoke Gray, 16530

GST applicable (for delivery within Singapore only) 5 working days



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Delivery policy: A shipping charge will be shown at time of check out. We usually ship within 5 working days, starting from time of order (with payment) to the time when the product leaves our door.

  Tax & Duties: For orders to outside of Singapore,

you will be liable to your country's import taxes & duties, if any.

By virtually eliminating lens fogging. The ESS Influx™ goggle allows users to maintain full situational awareness in dynamic environments. As part of the goggle’s patented Adjustable Ventilation System™ (AVS™), the Influx RotoClip™ silently pivots the position of the lens inside the goggle frame: choose either a dust-free, fully-sealed mode, or a fog-free, open-ventilation mode. With Influx™ users can always see clearly and act fast when seconds count. In addition to controlling the AVS™, the Rotoclip™ enables users to switch between lens tints with speed and ease, accelerating environmental adaptability and shortening down time. Combined with a host of other significant advancements, the InfluxTM stands ready to cut through the fog of war and help clear a path to victory.


Ballistic Protection Standards

The Influx Goggle exceeds U.S. MIL SPEC MIL-PRF-32432, ANSI Z87.1-2015, OSHA & CE EN166.

The Influx Goggle includes:

  • 1 Black Influx goggle
  • 1 Clear Influx lens
  • 1 Smoke gray Influx lens
  • 1 Black SpeedSleeve
  • 1 Goggle soft storage case
  • 1 Flannel lens sleeve
  • 1 user's guide
  • 1 ESS sticker

